Learning Strategies | HiTech2050 College of Animation & VFX


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Learning Strategies

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Learning Strategies

You are encouraged to adapt this strategy to your preferences and ask yourself before learning.

Questions to ask yourself before reading

  • • What do I need to know?
  • • How will I use this information?
  • • Why is this information important to my course or skills?
  • • What does my professor or instructor want me to learn?

Points to consider

Once you decide which question you want answered or have found the topic of information you are seeking, keep these points in mind as you watch the training video to help you answer these questions and help you understand the content.

  • Main subject: What is the instructor main subject to teach in this training video?
  • Methods: How is the instructor doing it? Which methods did he use?
  • Experience: Did you practice yourself and how effective are you in doing it?
  • Gaps and lingering questions: Things I couldn’t do, understand or have more questions about. Where did I go wrong? How?